
Pathway Search

L-ascorbate degradation III

State Icon Reaction EC-Number Confidence maximal confidence score from EnzymeDetector
L-threonate <=> L-Tartrate not assigned

ascorbate + H2O2 <=> ascorbate + dehydroascorbate + H2O L-ascorbate peroxidase

cyclic-2,3-O-oxalyl-L-threonate <=> cyclic-_3,4-O-oxalyl-L-threonate not assigned

cyclic-_3,4-O-oxalyl-L-threonate + H2O <=> 4-O-oxalyl-L-threonate + H+ not assigned

4-O-oxalyl-L-threonate + H2O <=> L-threonate + oxalate + H+ not assigned

dehydroascorbate + O2 <=> cyclic-2,3-O-oxalyl-L-threonate not assigned

Visualization of the pathway